Testimonial Review by Jennifer
We have a testimonial review! Check it out. Thank you Jennifer for the wonderful feedback! Annie & Carmen
We have a testimonial review! Check it out. Thank you Jennifer for the wonderful feedback! Annie & Carmen
Why does cold weather have such an effect on us? After having gone through this past winter, especially February being the coldest month in over 100yrs; I was always intrigued as to why people were so grumpy during this time of year. The cold weather seems to turn us into grouches, why is that? This…
I wanted to continue this month’s topic with a bit more on my understanding of what ‘Returning To My Roots’ meant. There are so many significance to this statement and I wanted to expand a bit more on it. In December’s blog, when sharing my story of going back home, my understanding of this concept was…
A lot of people don’t really understand what we do with ThetaHealing®. Here’s a brief explanation as to how we assist you in healing your pains/resistances/blockages. Let’s start at the beginning shall we. As we know through science; we and everything around us are made of energy. If we break it down: Our body is…
Not too long ago I took a road trip with my wonderful husband and niece, with the intention to show them the little hometown where I grew up, Rouyn-Noranda in Abitibi-Temiscamingue. More accurately the village right next door, Evain, Quebec, a nice little peaceful place. While day dreaming on our way there, I was curious to see…
Has it ever happened to you to get angry at someone about something they said, only to realize later that what you have heard was not what they were trying to say? Sometimes we don’t always perceive things the right way. Think of it this way. Someone asks you a question; while you are…
Weekend Access-Pass Winner! We would like to congratulate Sylvia Parker our Winner for the “Weekend Access-Pass for You and a Friend to the Whole Earth Expo.” We had a chance to discuss with Sylvia and wanted to know a bit more about who she was and what she did. Please find bellow our little interview with her….
At Hilton Lac Leamy 3 Blvd du Casino, Gatineau, QC The focus is on prevention, health, nutrition… and anything that can increase your longevity and improve your quality of life. Le Salon Mieux-Vivre reaches all generations who wishes to improve their quality of life. Better living in health and wellness becomes a way of life….
Let’s Talk Coaches will be exhibiting at the Find A Coach Expo. We look forward to seeing you there in October!
We were lucky to be interviewed by Marc-Elliott from 365 Partners on their new launched business platform Rise’ N Shine TV to discuss what our business is all about. Click here to watch. Entrevue française cliquer ici. Thank you for the great interview. Annie & Carmen
Disclaimer: Please note that the information on this website and provided during our sessions or seminars are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This information is given strictly for educational purposes. In no way should the information in this website and in our sessions or seminars be considered a substitute for competent medical care by your physician or other healthcare professional.