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Something Is In My Way


As you might have heard, read or seen 2013 was a great year for Let’s Talk Coaches. We’ve had a few changes during the year and our biggest one is having introduced an additional tool in the field of energy healing to our practice.


We found over time in the coaching world that as great as it was to help people envision their future goals and plan to reach them, we saw a reoccurring pattern in our clients and ourselves when came time to achieving those goals effectively and efficiently.


Self limitations got in our way, whether it’d be fears, emotional resistance, pains, and/or past beliefs. When in the right mindset, we are all ready to achieve our dreams but when life’s speed comes into the equation, old habits come rushing back.


This is where we have shifted in our business by introducing the ThetaHealing® practice to our coaching approach. We have found that ThetaHealing® really helps us and our clients surpass these self limitations.


Now, you’re probably wondering what ThetaHealing® is. Here is the simplest way to describe it. By applying a meditative practice, we learned we are better able to tap into the universal energy and intuitively read you physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

We assist in reading your limitations and really understand the underlying causes of your fears, resistance, and emotional barriers. By then knowing what the causes are, we are able to command a healing of those memories or traumas on your behalf to the Universal Source.

Someone once described to us, that these memories/traumas have crystallized themselves in our energetic field and that is the reason those old habits are hard to change. We have defined ourselves by them. We have found that to be a perfect explanation of what we are constantly dealing with.

This is where we, Let’s Talk Coaches, come in. We assist in removing and/or heal those crystallized memories. ThetaHealing® allows us to do so.

If you are interested in finding out more about our practice, we invite you to watch our YouTube video below.

Or call us at 613-746-9113 for a free 15min consultation. Also, see what people have to say about their own experience with it. (Click here)


2014 is your year for results and successes. Remove what is in your way and truly see the wonders you can create in your life.

Please note our fees have changed since January 2014. Fees described in the video no longer applies.

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