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Something Is In My Way
As you might have heard, read or seen 2013 was a great year for Let’s Talk Coaches. We’ve had a few changes during the year and our biggest one is having introduced an additional tool in the field of energy healing to our practice. We found over time in the coaching world that as…
Ways To Let Go During Our Holidays
Hello again, As you may be aware by now, all our themes focus on different kinds of transitions. This summer was all about getting out of work mode and entering relaxation mode. As I’m trying to promote this for others, I also decided to follow my own advice and take a nice holiday at…
Step 7 to a Successful Manifestation
In this video Annie shares the 7 and final Step to a Successful Manifestation. We forgot a step and the Universe corrected us. Here it is! Make sure to add this step to your list for your successful manifestation. Can’t wait to hear how it pans out for you. Contact us if you need help…
21 Day Money Breakthrough Challenge – Part 2
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ThetaHealing® 7 Planes of Existance Meditation
In this Video Vianna Stibal, Founder of the ThetaHealing® technique will guide you through the meditation walking you up to the Seven Planes of Existence-The Creator of All That Is. This is the Official Meditation brought to you by ThetaHealing®. Contact us if you need help with releasing blockages that could prevent you from using…
What Exactly Are We Doing?
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